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True to their name, Great Blue Herons are the largest herons in North America with striking shapes and colors that are hard to miss. Yesterday I saw a dozen of them at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge on the other side of I-95, opposite Philadelphia Airport. Despite the near freezing temperature, they were busy catching their breakfast.

Great Blue Heron stabbing the pond looking for fish.

Great Blue Heron stabbing the pond looking for fish.

Within less than a second, a fish!

Within less than a second, a fish!

The above fellow or gal was very skilled. It caught three fish within 13 minutes!

Another fish caught.

Another fish caught.

And another!

And another!

Later I saw another Great Blue Heron catching frogs.

Great Blue Heron caught a frog.

Great Blue Heron caught a frog.

Another frog caught.

Another frog caught.

Here’s a shot of a Great Blue Heron spreading its wings. Despite their enormous size, these herons weigh only about 6 lbs (2.7 kg).

Great Blue Heron spread out.

Great Blue Heron spread out.