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Today, on a drive through South Jersey, we stopped by a farm in Woodstown, NJ where miniature horses were grazing. The horses’ owner soon arrived with bales of hay and placed them near where I was standing so that the horses wouldn’t be too far for me to photograph.

The horses were the cutest ones I had ever seen, especially two newborn babies. These miniature horses are sometimes used as therapy animals, or they are shown at country fairs to let small children have a look at animals closer to their sizes than normal horses. The horses I saw were about 3 ft tall, as you can tell from the photo below as they stood near a pickup truck.

Feeding time for miniature horses.

Feeding time for miniature horses.

Miniature horse in Woodstown, NJ.

Miniature horse in Woodstown, NJ.

Mini food fight.

Mini stallions food fight.

Baby horse and mother.

Baby horse and mother.

Baby horse and mother.

Baby horse and mother.

Close up of baby horse.

Close up of baby horse.

Mini stallion.

Mini stallion.

Miniature horse checking out photographer.

Miniature horse checking out photographer.

Miniature stallion walking by pickup truck.

Miniature stallion walking by pickup truck.