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Coyote Buttes North is an area in Arizona, near the border with Utah, with some of the most beautiful scenery on earth. I went there a little over three years ago to see The Wave, that I have posted about twice already in this blog. Recently, going through my files, I found more photos of The Wave and the area around it, and some definitely deserve to be shown here.

The Wave at Coyotes Buttes North.

The Wave at Coyotes Buttes North.

Before reaching The Wave, from the parking lot you have to walk 3.5 miles through landscape that looked like this.

On the way to The Wave. There was no apparent trail.

On the way to The Wave. There was no apparent trail, and people do get lost, sometimes with disastrous consequences.

On the way to The Wave.

On the way to The Wave. It was mostly uphill, although no actual climbing was involved.

Nearer to The Wave.

Nearer to The Wave. The twist lines in the rocks were becoming more and more elaborate.

The Wave is where those two people were standing.

The Wave is where those two people were standing.

Wavy and graceful lines imprinted on red sandstone by the forces of nature.

Wavy and graceful lines imprinted on red sandstone by the forces of nature.

Clashing waves.

Clashing waves.

From inside The Wave looking out.

From inside The Wave looking out.

More clashing waves.

More clashing waves.

I would not hesitate to go back to see The Wave again. However, access is very limited. You have to apply for a permit, names are drawn by lottery, and only 20 people are allowed to go there each day.