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This post is my response to Tina’s challenge at Lens-Artists Challenge #205 – The Eyes Have it. I almost never photograph humans, so my entries will consist of pictures of birds that I encounter in a rookery, a wildlife refuge, or in our backyard.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron shielding her eggs from the hot sun. You can see part on an eye behind her right wing.
Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron just waking up grumpy.
White Ibis after returning from a fishing trip.
Bluejay drinking from the birdbath in our backyard.
White Ibis preening.
Eastern Bluebird on top of Southern Magnolia tree.
Eastern Bluebird staring at photographer.
Great Egret landing on a branch.
Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird at feeder.
Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird at feeder.